Monday, December 21, 2009

What do the japanese do with their washed clothes?

What do the Japanese do with their washed clothes?What do the japanese do with their washed clothes?
Although many people do have dryers nowadays, many people prefer to hang their clothes outside. It is much better for clothes anyway, they smell much fresher with natural air and the natural air doesn't damage them. Those people who don't have a dryer during rainy season usually bring them to a coin laundry and dry them there in a dryer. After that, they usually iron them, put them away and wear them. After wearing the clothes, they wash them again and the whole process starts again. Then after a couple of years, they either throw them away or bring them to a secondhand shop. Some people also donate their clothes to homeless people.What do the japanese do with their washed clothes?
Most Japanese don't have clothes dryers, so they'll typically hang them outside on their apartment balconies or backyards (if they have them). Because Japan can often be humid or rainy, I have known some Japanese to stretch a clothes line in the bathroom and turn on the fan to dry their clothes.

Hope that helps!
This is not a stupid question if you come from a country that uses driers (like the UK) or doesn't have anywhere as much rain (e.g. Australia).

They usually hang them up, typically on balconies. Driers are not used in the home that much (the drier on multi-function washing machines are usually not so good and there for emergencies). As most Japanese don't often have guests at home, if it's raining they'll be hung up inside, even if the house is small.

Coin laundries are also plentiful and people will use those as well.
they do the same as what YOU do with your washed clothes!

and im hoping you wear your washed clothes, like everyone else.
They proceed to wear them. Or hang them up.
chuck them in in a tumble dryer.
HArd ques but i guess ............they wear them.
Hang them up to dry ?

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