Thursday, December 24, 2009

Is it possible to never wash your clothes?

i don't wash my clothes and they don't seem to be smelly or stinky. i mean no one say i smell and people look jst fine and natural around me. maybe is the enviorment my clothes are in, but is it possible to not wash clothes and still smell normal? LOLIs it possible to never wash your clothes?
Clothes that are not washed contain a microbiop organasm called bacteria unseen from the human eye.

Even though it may not smell doesn't mean that it's clean.

Dirty clothes is not a good sign of good health and it can be hazardous to you if you go weeks on end wihtout washing them.

I knew a guy that never washed his socks and wore them till they turned brown.

One day he left them out in the garage and the air hit it and they got hard and stiff.

I bet there was enough fungus and bacteria in those socks to kill mice.Is it possible to never wash your clothes?
That isn't very good personal hygiene. You should wash your clothes.
It doesn't matter how well you think you smell, it is unsanitary not too wash your clothes. Also, whether you know it or not, everyday you wear your clothes, they collect sweat and body odor. Have you ever thought that maybe the people around you stink too and just don't notice?
Yes how about throwing the away after you wear them
They might not smell and still look clean but they collect germs.

Start washing:)

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